THE ADVENTURES OF SONNY & ZAP: Book 1 - When a Boy Met an Urn

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What happens when a boy who is bored with studies accidentally stumbles upon the most powerful space-time machine invented by man? This machine, which incidentally, is small enough to look like a child’s plaything, lies abandoned in the backyard of a museum. Why? Join Sonny and his gang as they discover the marvelous world of adventure and learning that this machine, which Sonny names Zap, opens up for them!
Based on the
favorite newspaper series which ran for 15 years in ‘The Jakarta Post’, “The Adventures of Sonny & Zap Book 1: When A Boy Met An Urn” is the fascinating first installment in a saga of friendship, exploration, and the building of self-esteem of Sonny and his gang of sister, young cousin, and friends.
Zap takes the children over a rainbow beyond the distant mist to visit a magical island which, believe it or not, was once a star in the heavens. On this enchanting island, school subjects come alive in a fun and fantastic way - English grammar, history, pre-history, geography, the sciences, technology, care of the environment, and yes, even space and time travel! Whew! Tighten your seatbelt because there’s so much action and excitement happening on the Island of a Thousand Rainbows!
Hailed by readers of all ages, including parents and educators, as an
“inspirational series”, a “brilliant platform that fosters creativity and imagination” The Adventures of Sonny & Zap “improves both thinking and vocabulary”. Enter a world that is enriched by the kindness of King Capital, the banter of Ikki the cockatoo and Nikki a bird-of-paradise, the wisdom of the orangutan Dr. Dazzle, and the warmth of Princess Grace, a young blue whale that knows thousands of stories!
Come, enter the world of Sonny & Zap, and discover for yourself the joy and wonder of learning!